Has your bank, broker, credit card company, or maybe even your phone or utility company sent you information about getting your statements online instead of through the mail? Going paperless has its advantages — not the least of which may be seeing your countertop for the first time in months. But it also has its […]
Mentoring the Next Generation to Take Over the Family Business
Many owners of small businesses would love to see a family member take over their business. If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews that you think might be interested in running the business in the future, you can help lay the groundwork for that potential transfer of ownership in several ways. Use the following […]
Financial Analysis for Your Small Business
Comparing a business’s key financial ratios with industry standards and with its own past results can highlight trends and identify strengths and weaknesses in the business. Financial statement information is most useful if owners and managers can use it to improve their company’s profitability, cash flow, and value. Getting the most mileage from financial statement […]
Business Owners: Keep That Shield Intact
You face plenty of challenges as a small business owner. Finding ways to protect yourself against lawsuits is a major one. You may be able to add protection by structuring your business as a corporation or limited liability company (LLC). Both these entities may shield the owners’ or members’ personal assets from the company’s debts […]
4 Tips on How Small Businesses Can Reduce Taxes
As a small business owner, tax liability is the money you owe the government when your business generates income. With changing laws and gray areas regarding deductions, exemptions, and credits, it’s no wonder small business owners rank taxes at the top of the list of the most stress-inducing aspect of business ownership. To reduce that […]
The 5 Most Common Small Business Accounting Mistakes
Small businesses make accounting errors and oversights regularly. Here, we cover five of the most common small business accounting mistakes. Read on to see if you’re making any of these mistakes and how to avoid them in the future. 1. You don’t take bookkeeping as seriously as you should. Recording everything is an excellent rule […]